Summer 2011

Summer 2011

Monday, February 27, 2012

T Minus 11 hours and 35 minutes

Dad and I took a quick trip to the University of Michigan to enter a tumor profiling program run by Dr. Roychowdry the Tuesday before last.    He was very nice and explained to us how the program works and that it will take four weeks before we have the results.   They now have tumor, blood and other samples ready to go.   Since we were there, we also met with Dr. Hammer to say hello (and update him on my progress too I guess.)   Peace an blessins y'all, peace an blessins.

The following weekend my family traveled to Long Island to visit my dad's family and highschool friends. It's been two years since our last family visit.  They've missed him - he's been a lone wolf out here in MA! I love going to Long Island, it's a relaxing vacation and everyone is really nice.  

I also started taking voice lessons.  My teacher's name is Lee and he's really nice.   He thinks I'm hilarious, which I am of course.   Anyway, it's lots of fun and I look forward to it every week.

I now drive a Toyota Hilander and am enjoying my new freedom.  

Tomorrow is my last day of radiation.  Yay!  I'm also going to visit Dr. Weldon so that he can switch my gtube to a button which will be a lot more comfortable for me.  Next week Dr. Place will set up scans of my chest to see what those lung nodules are doing.   If they've grown it's back to chemotherapy for me.  Otherwise I get a break.   Hoping for a break!

I apologize for the long break in writing, and the brevity in this post. Next to chemo, radiation truly is a cakewalk. They're very differfent treatments - radiation is so invisible. My hair is growing, I'm going to the gym, I can drive, and I'm back in my room upstairs. I'm still pretty worn out both physically and emotionally. I've resolved to sleeping it off in the hope that it will just go away as the effects of radiation wear off!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work, little lady! We love you.

    <3 Sarah and all the Shanahans


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